Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sitting down and looking at your lifestyle you know its time for changes. You’re a snorer and it’s becoming an issue between you and your partner. All you want to do is make some simple changes and see if they will improve the racket you make when you go to sleep. To begin with how’s your weight?  If you’re a man and you are even twenty percent over your recommended weight that alone will make you snore.

Not overweight, let’s look closer and see what else you can do to make healthy changes. Changing your eating habits will definitely help. No more big meals, no more rich or fatty meals late in the evening.  No dairy products late in the evening either. Stay away from the warm glass of milk before bed. All these will aid with throat blockage and contribute to another night of snoring.

There is actually a list of foods that doctors recommend you stay away from near your bedtime. Don’t eat dairy, fried foods, chocolate, frozen foods or baked goods; like pizza.   There are also some studies that show that taking vitamin C will make you snore more.  Stay away from alcohol. Drinking alcohol in the evening can promise snoring in the night. The problem is that the alcohol acts like an anesthetic on the throat muscles, which causes them to collapse. It dilates the blood vessels making the fatty tissue in the throat swell. This state of affairs means the airway winds up constricted and that is what makes you snore.

You shouldn’t smoke either. Smoking makes mucous in the throat that will affect the width of the airway. It also hampers the normal activity of the airway.  There is proof that cigarette smoking causes an irritation in the throat and that this is another factor in nighttime snoring.

But somewhere there has to be something you can enjoy that is good for you and does not enhance the chances of you snoring. First, you can enjoy your dinner as long as you don’t eat it too late. As a matter of fact, going out for a special dinner of lobster or scallions not only is a lovely treat, but both are foods recommended as anti-snore/friendly foods. It is believed that they actually tone the trachea thus helping to reduce snoring or sometimes even eliminate it.  Other foods that fall into this odd category of snoring friendly include mustard greens, pears, thyme, horseradish, onions, garlic, leeks and seaweed.

So, you’ve learned that you can’t smoke. You can’t drink. There is a limit on when you should have your last intake of food, and many of those foods you enjoy you shouldn’t eat anymore. The list of snore friendly foods is pretty small and most of them are things to add to your meal not main courses.  You ask yourself is it really worth making all these changes just to stop snoring?  The answer should be a resounding yes. Snoring is not healthy for you or your sleep-deprived partner.


Kindly Help us spread awareness about snoring and its hazards by placing our link Cure Snoring Now on your site or informing people about this site

Wishing you Good Health all your Life


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