Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Reasons for Snoring with Remedies

Many individuals suffer from snoring dilemmas. There are many reasons as to why a person might snore. The physiology of snoring is actually quite simple. Muscles relax during sleeping including those in the throat. As muscles and parts of the mouth and throat collapse they begin to vibrate as a person breathes and air moves through. Snoring can also result when excess throat tissue flaps during the night. Obstructions of the airway passages cause air to move at different intensities and speeds and therefore also create the noises more commonly known as snoring.

When people have excess weight, they usually have excess tissue in their throat as well. The excess tissue often obstructs the flow of air and the resulting sounds are what we call snoring. Airway flow can also be affected by people who have a narrowing of the nasal septum or some other nasal problem that affects the movement of air through the passages. Individuals who have problems with enlarged or inflamed tonsils and adenoids experience airflow problems and therefore snoring as well.

Of course the movement of air is also affected when a person has sinus problems, a cold or even the flu. Nasal passages and even the mucous of the throat can be affected and therefore air makes unusual sounds as it pushes its way through. If illness is the cause of snoring, a person can revert back to restful and quiet sleep when they are feeling better.

People who breathe out of their nose mouth will typically snore. They will have their mouth open and their tongue will fall back in their throat as the jaw relaxes. You can try to work to breathe through your nose rather than your mouth if you are a mouth breather.

There are many potential treatments and remedies for the above-mentioned causes of snoring. Some are simple while others are more invasive. If a person breathes through their mouth, they can work to eliminate their snoring by breathing through their nose. This is not always an easy transition but there are breathing exercises that can often help retrain a person’s breathing habits.

If snoring is a result of some obstruction of your nasal passages, the treatment can also be rather simple in most instances. There are over the counter nasal clips and strips that people can place over their nose region to help get a better night’s sleep by curing the snoring. These products help to open up the nasal passages making it easier for air to pass through.

Individuals, who have too much tissue in their throat from being a bit overweight, can work to lose weight. Losing weight can have many healthful benefits and can also help to eliminate or cut back on snoring. Weight loss should result from a healthy diet and exercise program that has been approved by a physician.

In more extreme cases of problems with too much throat tissue, a person might opt for surgery. The benefits and risks of surgery can be discussed at length with a physician.
There are different forums of surgery that can be used. Some laser surgery options are available today. Other options in which the excess tissue is actually removed during surgery are also potential treatment choices.

You can work to treat your snoring by first deciding why you snore. Consulting your physician before trying any products is always recommended.


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