Snoring is only a respiratory problem that you experience when sleeping that results from vibrations in your airway. There are many potential causes of snoring. Some people do snore as a result of more than one factor.
It is fortunate that snoring does not usually occur during any time other than when sleeping. Snoring results from the muscles of your throat being in a state of relaxation. Muscles are not this relaxed during the daytime when you are awake and active.
Not only do the muscles of your throat relax during sleep, but the tissues in your throat can also become swelled. When this happens, your airway is narrowed. Air causes vibration as it works its way through the airway passages.
Depending upon how narrow your passages become during sleep and the level of resulting friction, your snores can vary throughout the night. The pitch can change throughout the night. Additionally, the pitch of snores can vary from person to person as well. Sometimes you might snore loud, and other times it might be a little soft. Tones of snores can also vary for an individual and between individuals.
Not all snores are created equally in terms of loudness. You might be snoring very loud for a while and then not so loud. : Loudness of snoring can vary from individual to individual. The force of wind as it travels through the air passage, will affect the loudness of the snores. If the wind is fast, it will typically be much louder. Think of how loud the wind outside sounds when it is blowing faster and more furiously.
Even babies and young children can snore. This can be caused by force of the air and friction as it passes through the airway. Generally speaking, their snores will not be very loud. If you hear your child snoring very loudly or snoring when they usually do not, you will want to make certain that everything is all right with your child. In rare cases, your child or baby could have something caught somewhere in their airway passages. Your child might also snore when they have a cold or sinus infection.
Generally speaking, men, women and even children can snore. Women do not typically snore as often or as loudly as men. A women’s neck is usually narrower than a man’s and there is often less force of the air as it passes through their airway passage. Women have another reason as to why snoring can be less of a problem for them. They produce
progesterone. This hormone often prevents snoring naturally. Progesterone is often so good at blocking snoring, that many snoring treatments actually use progesterone.
There are several lifestyle factors that can cause snoring. If you are overweight, this can result in a problem with snoring. People who hare obese often find that they snore. This snoring can sometimes be reversed upon weight loss. Drinking a lot of alcohol can also cause snoring. Smoking is another common cause of snoring. Making lifestyle changes can help you to eliminate or reduce snoring.
Many medical conditions and common illnesses can also cause snoring. If the tissues of your nasal passages are thicker than normal, this can cause snoring. People sometimes have surgery of their nasal passages for medical reasons. This surgery can have an impact on a person’s snoring. Individuals with tonsil and adenoid problems, particularly if they are enlarged, can experience snoring.
If you experience allergies, you might find that you snore. When you have a cold or event the flu you might snore even if you otherwise do not snore. Some individuals have a goiter or even an enlarged thyroid gland. If you have a very large tongue that reflects airflow, you probably will snore. All of these conditions can cause snoring.
Some medications can even result in snoring. Sedatives sleep aids and other medicines can create muscle relaxation that results in snoring during sleep. If you use nasal spray for colds and allergies you might also begin to snore as the sprays can irritate your airway if used too often. Even allergy treatments can result in your nasal cavities becoming excessively dry, thus causing snoring.
Think about your lifestyle, your medial conditions and medicines you use. Any one or a combination of these factors can cause you to snore. Once you identify potential reasons for your snoring, you can begin to work to stop the snores.
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