Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Snoring and the Family

Snoring affects your family in ways that you may be unfamiliar with. While snoring can be a problem that affects your health personally, few know about the trauma it can cause to their bedmate. Also, few know that heredity can help to determine whether or not a person snores! These associations can be of interest to families, and should be studied and discussed.

In April of 2006, the medical journal CHEST featured a study by some researchers at Cincinnati’s Children’s Hospital Medical Center relating to family history and their snoring habits. The results showed that those children of parents, who snore, are three times as probable to snore themselves. In further detail, the study also found that snoring in these children was often associated with the presence of an allergic sensitization, a condition also known as Atopy. The study involved 681 children that were an average age of 12. The study found that children with at least one parent who snored more than three times a week were also three times more likely to snore themselves.

It was also found that children with Atopy were two times more likely to snore at least three times per week then children who tested negative for allergic sensitization. This is an important study to take note of as children who are frequent snorers can often exhibit behavioral problems, cognitive deficits, and metabolic as well as cardiovascular problems. This has been taken so seriously, that the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended every child be tested for obstructive sleep-disordered breathing. (Partial or complete upper airway obstruction during a child’s sleep characterizes this disorder, and snoring is often one of the warning signs). In addition to the findings regarding heredity and snoring, some associations were made in the study about racial effects on snoring. For instance it was found that African American children were found much more likely to have problems with snoring.

Although snoring may be an inheritable condition, that doesn’t mean that there is nothing you can do. There are many ways to fix the problem of snoring, and they relate to the various reasons for which you may snore. Lifestyle changes, health, or oral appliances can be helpful to solving your problem. The first step is to figure out exactly what is making you snore.

As far as your snoring affecting life with your bed mate, there are some very serious consequences. People with heavy snoring patterns can cause their partner to lose as much as 1 full hour of sleep per evening, while waking them up as many as 21 times an hour! This sleep disruption can cause some very serious problems with concentration and irritability. Known as spousal arousal syndrome, this issue is a reason to work towards solving your snoring problem, if not for yourself. According to a recent survey, 80% of snoring couples sleep apart. This shows that snoring can have numerous negative effects on your relationship, especially your sex life. If your spouse is a snorer, it is important that you address the problem so that the two of you can face it head-on, eliminating the need for such drastic moves as sleeping separately.


Kindly Help us spread awareness about snoring and its hazards by placing our link Cure Snoring Now on your site or informing people about this site

Wishing you Good Health all your Life


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