Snoring Tips
Tip 1 – The best tip I can give to snorers is that being fit, lean and toned helps reduce your snoring, so dedicate 10 minutes a day to work on your muscle tone in your upper body, go for a 30 minute walk between dinner and bed time, and cut down on your fast food intake.
Tip 2 – If you are not overweight but snoring is still a problem for you, try some of the cheap devices that open up your nostrils. If your airway gets restricted in any way then that is what triggers the snoring. The more you can do to widen the passage the better for whoever has to listen to you sleep.
Tip 3 – How you sleep makes a difference to your snoring. Sleeping on your stomach or your side is usually better than sleeping on your back. This does not apply to kids though. Kids that snore should try to sleep on the side, with one hand under the cheek and one behind their back. This will open up the airways and is the best position to sleep in for snorers.
Tip 4 – Some decongestant inhalers work well to keep nasal passageways open and these are available over the counter. Even a simple saline nasal spray will work to keep the mucous membranes moist and unclogged, thereby reducing vibrational noise
Tip 5 – Nasal strips can be purchased which are applied externally to the nose and act to widen the nasal passages. These are even being utilised by sportsmen to promote respiratory efficiency. An alternative device that works on the same principles is a nasal dilator that consists of a plastic or metal coil that is inserted into the nostrils before sleep and acts to keep the nasal passages open during sleep. These two devices both seem to cut down on the vibratory noise that many snorers emit.
Tip 6 – There are numerous anti-snoring devices on the market. One device to discourage snorers from adopting a sleeping on their back position is the snore ball. Whilst there are gadgets available for purchase this can also be readily improvised from materials available in the home. A small ball is lodged in a pocket sewn into the back of the snorer’s night attire and this makes it uncomfortable for them to sleep whilst lying on their backs.
Tip 7 – If snoring is something that was only recently noticed, you should speak to a doctor about it. Especially if you are a smoker or have been a smoker. Snoring that have a relatively sudden onset can be a sign of something far more sinister. Look out for other symptoms like earache, loss of hearing, a constantly runny nose from one nostril, nose bleeds painful swallowing or repetitive sinus infections.
- Know the Causes before Quit Snoring
- Reasons for Snoring with Remedies
- Tips to Stop Snoring
- Natural Remedies to Resolve Snoring
- Devices To Stop Snoring
- What are all the causes for snoring?
- Ways To Treat Snoring
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