Sunday, June 28, 2009

Snoring Interview

The following interview was conducted in June of 2006 with the creator of the “Singing for Snorers” program, Alise Ojay (pictured to the left). A huge thanks to Alise for her time and expertise! Be sure to read it all the way through, there’s some wonderful information here!

1. Hey Alise! Thank you so much for your time this morning. You have an exciting program (”programme” in the UK) and some excellent information on a challenge that affects a vast majority of the world’s population. First off, would you share briefly some information about yourself and your background?

Hi Jonathan, thank you for this opportunity to introduce myself and my work to your website visitors.

I love singing. For ten years now I’ve directed a community choir here in Devon (Southwest England), and I also perform in a female a cappella trio with two friends. Further in my background is a degree in Philosophy – so I’m a thinker and questioner; and a professional qualification in Dramatherapy – so creativity and play are also important to me. For the last eight years I’ve been developing “Singing for Snorers”, a programme of singing exercises designed to tone the throat and reduce snoring.


Kindly Help us spread awareness about snoring and its hazards by placing our link Cure Snoring Now on your site or informing people about this site

Wishing you Good Health all your Life


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