Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Top 10 Snoring Causes

Do you, or does someone you love have a snoring problem? Snoring is a relatively common occurrence with as many as 40% of all adult Americans snoring frequently. What most people fail to realize that there are many causes for snoring, and consequently, there are many different types of treatment that can be used to aid the problem.

One of the causes for a snoring problem can be traced to your genes. Unfortunately, our ancestors pass on a trait that may result in you inheriting a narrow throat, which can be a big problem when it comes to proper breathing.

Gaining weight:
While it’s not often talked about, many sneezing cases can be attributed to a weight gain. Excess weight causes fatty tissues to form beneath your skin, coating the body when a weight gain occurs. Fatty tissue in the neck can cause your throat to become smaller, increasing the likelihood of a snoring problem.

Unfortunately, male humans are commonly born with narrower air passages then their female counterparts. This causes a more likely chance of snoring.

Getting older:
As we age, our throats become narrower. Around middle age, we begin losing muscle tone in our throats, with these two factors causing problems that can be the culprits when it comes to a snoring problem.

Alcohol is a depressant which increases the relaxation of your body, which includes the throat and tongue muscles. With these muscles relaxed, the likelihood of snoring increases greatly.

Certain medications, such as anti-histamines or sleeping pills, have been shown to exhibit the same issues as alchol, causing muscle relaxation the mouth and throat and promoting sneezing.

Nasal deformities:
Nasal deformities such as a deviated septum can be the cause of a snoring problem.

A long-term history of smoking cigarettes can be a factor in a person’s snoring.
Sleeping on your back:
A lot of people who have more moderate snoring issues only do so when sleeping on their backs. An easy adjustment for this would be to learn to sleep on your side.

Sleeping with soft pillows:
Pillow increase the angle of your neck, which can lead to airway obstruction, and coincidentally, a snoring issue.

When afflicted with allergies, the nasal passage can be obstructed, causing a lack of air flow and making inhalation difficult.

While these factors can contribute to snoring, they are by no means a definitive list. When trying to diagnose your snoring problem, checking through the factors above can definitely point you in the right direction with where to go to help your issue. After getting a feel for what you think might be causing your snoring, it can be helpful to speak to a health care professional and get their opinion on what is causing your snoring.

Sleep apnoea is a serious problem that can be diagnosed by a heavy amount of snoring, so it’s important to get checked for it by a health care professional if you haven’t been able to fix the problem on your own.


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Wishing you Good Health all your Life


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