Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Non-Surgical Snoring Solutions

There are so many different possibilities when it comes to snoring solutions. The question is what is the right for you to try. Or maybe you’ve exhausted all the main line ones and wanting to avoid surgery you are prepared to look at some solutions you didn’t previously. Its probably better if you first make certain that the basics have been given a chance.  Since the most likely thing to make you snore is being overweight check to see if this is an issue you need to deal with if the answer is no then its time to try other methods.

Aromatherapy is one easy alternative to use. Marjoram is a very successful snore cure. It is able to still the vibrations of the tissues by working on the lining of the throat. All you do is open a couple of jars of marjoram and lavender, another useful essential oil, and put them around the bed two hours before sleep is desired. The scents will fill the room with an inviting smell that will encourage sleep, assist with breathing while eliminating nightly snoring.

Relaxation therapy is also a very good source of snoring combating. Sometimes snoring can be caused by stress and so what you need is to be relaxed before trying to sleep.  There are several good programs worth trying like Tai Chi, Yoga, or massage.

Magnetic therapy has had some positive results for snorers.  It is believed that by using magnetic therapy you can stimulate the nerves in the nose, opening them and so removing the obstruction that has been causing the snoring.  Magnets would be put all over the body, not just the nose, to stimulate the entire wellbeing of the body as well as specifically the nerves. This therapy also helps weight loss, which itself assists in ending snoring. Some people have gone so far as to wear a magnetic nose ring claiming to have successfully kept open the nasal airways by this method.

Hypnosis is another method worth trying. This is not as successful as some other methods as one does not snore voluntarily the way a person decides to smoke. But, again this solution could help with weight lose and that helps with eliminating or at least reducing snoring.

Before bed many people like a glass of hot milk. This is not a good idea as the milk only adds to the amount of mucus in the throat and so makes the constriction of the airway worse.  But, if you miss that warm feeling before bed that it would be okay to make yourself a different warm drink. Warm water with a little honey will not only taste good but the honey will coat the trachea.  Try combining apple cider vinegar, honey and warm water, this too will taste good and is known as a strong anti-snoring remedy. Or try herbal teas. Just don’t over do it as what you are aiming for is things that help clear the airways not put you to sleep.


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Wishing you Good Health all your Life


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