Wednesday, July 1, 2009

How to Deal with Snoring Problems

When dealing with a snoring problem, you could be faced with one of two issues: primary snoring or the more sinister Obstructive Sleep Apnea, or OSA. To understand the differences between these two types of snoring, you must understand exactly how the snoring process works.

Snoring occurs when there is an airway blockage restricting your ability to breathe while sleeping. In the case of a primary snorer, the snoring is the result of air struggling to be inhaled and successfully doing so. Obstructive sleep apnea, on the other hand, occurs when a primary snoring issue gets so bad that there is a full obstruction in the airway and a lack of oxygen occurs, causing the sufferer to not breathe for over 10 seconds. Just from the basic explanation of the two types of snoring, you can see that one is a moderate issue while the other is severe.

Snoring is caused by a host of different reasons. Obesity, alcohol consumption, use of sleeping pills or anti-histamines, allergies, nasal deformities, weak throat muscles, abnormal jaw structure, nasal congestion, a deviated septum, and enlarged or swollen tonsils and/or adenoids are some normal reasons for a person to snore. While being a primary snorer isn’t a huge problem, it still can have some negative effects.

For instance, when sleeping with someone, studies show that a snorer usually causes their loved one to lose roughly an hour of sleep per evening, while waking them up as often as 21 times per hour. This can result in restlessness and a lack of good sleep for the non-snorer, and is a problem known as Spousal Arousal Syndrome. This lack of quality sleep can have numerous negative effects on the health of the non-snorer. A recent study showed that approximately 80 percent of people in relationships where a person snored slept separately; Spousal Arousal Syndrome can severely affect your sex life and general relationship.

Sleep apnea, on the other hand, can have much worse effects. Snoring is generally a symptom of sleep apnea, although apnea can occur even when the person does not snore. The total loss of air flow experienced by someone with obstructive sleep apnea causes the person to wake up gasping for air, sweating, or choking. They also generally experience headaches and sore throats due to this constant struggle for air. The sleep quality of a person with sleep apnea is rarely efficient enough for the person to get a good night’s rest. This can leave them having trouble concentrating on simple tasks, being irritable, and being unable to perform well at work. Also, men may experience impotence as a side-effect of obstructive sleep apnea. Long term effects of this problem if left untreated include an increased risk for a heart attack or a stroke; also, heightened blood pressure and lower blood oxygen levels are seen. This causes the heart to work harder. If you are a snorer, and some of the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea sound all too familiar to you, it is important to go to a doctor and get checked for the disorder. Your health can’t afford not to.


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Wishing you Good Health all your Life


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