Studies are beginning to tell us that there is a connection between chronic headache sufferers and snorers. Is the connection in their triggers perhaps? We are all aware of the fact that certain foods, drinks and other things ones does can all but guarantee a person prone to snoring a symphony for the night. These include drinking milk before bed, having a late large meal, consuming alcohol and having any diary foods late into the evening. The same is true of headache sufferers. They too have foods, drinks and actions that are known to bring on a thumping in their temples that will send them to a dark quiet room until the headache subsides. These often include red wine, chocolate and anything with caffeine in it.
Recently it has come to the attention of physicians and researchers alike that people who suffer from daily headaches are at least twice as likely as those who have headaches only once in a while to also be snorers. A study was done to compare people who suffered the temple pounding pain of headaches a minimum of fifteen times a month and a control group of people who only had infrequent headache problems. These people experienced less than one hundred and four headaches a year but more than two. The results showed that twenty four percent of those who averaged a headache very other day were chronic snorers. The control group averaged fourteen percent nightly snorers.
Once question this raises is if you control the headaches do you control the snoring or is the process the other way around. Must you control the snoring to help banish the headaches. It has all the signs of a vicious circle. Headache sufferers take pain medications to curb their head pain. The problem is that pain relievers are known to increase the possibility that a person will snore. Snoring has serious effects on how a person sleeps. Snoring can wake up the snorer multiple times during the night and so cause a poor night’s rest. This lack of sleep can then cause headaches. One other consideration is that those who have difficulty sleeping may hold on to carbon dioxide at night and this can also be a trigger for those who experience headaches.
One thought currently in the field of sleep research is to conduct further studies that can determine the relationship between snoring and headaches. Are the headaches caused by the snoring noise the person is making? This could explain the morning headaches. Another possibility is that the snoring could be caused by some type of constriction relating to the neck that occurred during a headache. This may lead to the person snoring. The only way to study this properly will be to have the subjects go through major lifestyle changes while keeping a diary that will note headaches and snoring episodes. Only time and more research will tell what the answer truly is, but until then there seems to be no doubt these two afflictions are related.
- Know the Causes before Quit Snoring
- Reasons for Snoring with Remedies
- Tips to Stop Snoring
- Natural Remedies to Resolve Snoring
- Devices To Stop Snoring
- What are all the causes for snoring?
- Ways To Treat Snoring
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