While snoring is commonly joked about as a harmless little annoyance, it can be no further from the truth. Snoring is a blockage of the air ways that our body uses to get oxygen to perform the vital functions it needs to operate. This can be very harmful for the snorer, especially if the air ways become completely blocked, causing a sleep disorder known as sleep apnoea. Snores are a warning sign from our bodies saying that they may not be getting all the oxygen they need. For that reason, snores will wake up those with sleep apnoea. The body cannot get enough oxygen so it does its best to alert you.
Sleep apnoea is characterized by the following symptoms: long interruptions of breathing (commonly more than 10 seconds, caused by the blockage of the air ways), frequently waking from sleep (although the sufferer may not realize that they are), light sleeping that is not conducive to fulfilling your body’s need for sleep, and lower blood oxygen levels. These lower blood oxygen levels cause the heart to have to work harder, pumping more rapidly and causing a rise in blood pressure. As a result, the sufferer often experiences a poor night’s sleep underlined by drowsiness during the day and a lack of concentration. Irritability also is a common trait among those with sleep apnoea, and this can affect personal relationships as well as your work ethic. In addition to these problems, people with untreated sleep apnoea face higher risks of heart attacks and strokes.
Now that you can see that snoring is no laughing matter, it is important to know some of the behaviours which help to keep snoring to a minimum. If you are overweight, the fatty tissues in your throat may be helping the problem, so it is important to get into shape and improve your eating habits. Trying to establish regular sleeping patterns that persist through the week and the weekend can also be helpful to beating snoring. On a daily basis, it is important to avoid alcohol, sleeping pills, and anti-histamines for a good period of time before you go to bed. These substances relax your throat muscles, causing them to buckle and increasing the snoring problem. Sleeping on your side is also a commonly used solution, since many snorers are known to only snore while sleeping on their back. An easy fix for getting used to sleeping on your side would be to sew an object such as a tennis ball into the back of your bed time shirt. This makes it uncomfortable for you to sleep on your back, so you will naturally favour sleeping on your side.
If you feel that the sleep apnoea symptoms described above might apply to you, it is crucial to speak to a health care professional. They can perform a process known as polysomnography, which can diagnose your problem and let you know exactly what is wrong with your sleep. It is a harmless process which is covered by most insurance carriers.
- Know the Causes before Quit Snoring
- Reasons for Snoring with Remedies
- Tips to Stop Snoring
- Natural Remedies to Resolve Snoring
- Devices To Stop Snoring
- What are all the causes for snoring?
- Ways To Treat Snoring
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