Saturday, June 27, 2009

Yes obstructive sleep apnea can be dangerous to your present and future health and in some rare cases, has proven to be life threatening. OSA has a strong connection to other serious health problems such as high blood pressure, a higher incidence of heart disease, stroke as well as arrhythmia (or irregular heartbeat). As well it is very debilitating to physical and mental health in regards to the constant loss of sleep night after night. Those who suffer from OSA often experience irritability, depression, a lack of concentration and memory, a depleted sex drive and less energy. As well those who suffer from Sleep apnea have a greater risk of being involved in car accidents, workplace accidents and having family/marital problems.


Kindly Help us spread awareness about snoring and its hazards by placing our link Cure Snoring Now on your site or informing people about this site

Wishing you Good Health all your Life


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