Saturday, June 27, 2009

What sleep apnea sufferers should know about the CPAP machine

For those that have obstructive sleep apnea, life can be a real struggle. The condition causes you to wake up repeatedly throughout the night due to an inability of the body to take in air. This is caused by an obstruction of the air way, and there can be many reasons why an obstruction may be present. People that are overweight and have a neck circumference that is greater than seventeen inches are the most common sufferers of this deisease, but they are by no means the only ones afflicted.

Obese people tend to be more susceptible to sleep apnea because the weight of their neck tissues may depress the esophagus, causing the airway to be narrowed and eventually blocked. Other reasons that the airway of a person may be blocked include sleeping on their back, having nasal deformities, drinking alcohol, having large adenoids or tonsils, and allergies. While some of these causes for apnea can be solved in the home, doctors often recommend the use of a CPAP machine to aid a problem with obstructive sleep apnea.

CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure, which is what the machine provides. A steady stream of air is pumped into a mask which is worn by the afflicted person while they sleep. In this way, there is a continuous supply of air provided directly to a person’s airway. This can decrease the number of apneas that a person may face throughout the night, and consequently allow them to get more much-needed REM sleep. The lack of REM sleep from obstructive sleep apnea is one of apnea’s most destructive affects.

The body needs sleep to recover, and not getting enough can cause a host of problems, including irritability, a lack of concentration, and a general grogginess that can be very threatening to one’s quality of life. Also, those with untreated apnea are subject to heightened blood pressure, increased risk for stroke, and heart disease. For that reason, CPAP is usually a necessary part of the treatment for a sleep apnea sufferer. Approximately two out of three people who have apnea that is treated with CPAP experience some problems with the machine, and we will address these problems so that those using the machine can get a better night’s sleep.

Some people find that they have difficulty breathing in the air that is forced through the machine. To aid this, you should employ the machine’s functionality that allows it to increase its air pressure throughout the night to ease you into the air flow. Other people who use the machine dislike it due to the fact that it gives them a dry, stuffy nose. To help this problem, it can be useful to purchase a CPAP machine that is equipped with a heated humidifier.

If you are using a CPAP machine to help treat your obstructive sleep apnea problem, it’s important not to get frustrated and give up on the device. Whatever problems you may be having at the current time, you can usually adjust to the changes with a little perseverance. Using the machine nightly is necessary so that you can adapt to breathing properly with it. The benefits that the machine can give to your health and happiness far outweigh the inconveniences in its design.


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