Monday, November 2, 2009

Snoring Experience

My husband's snoring sounded like a motorbike. It started out as a mild problem as I could get him to turn on his side if I gently kicked him! However, as time went on his snoring seemed to get louder and louder.

Eventually it got to the point that we could no longer sleep together. I remember trying to get our newborn off to sleep one night. Every time we were almost there my husband kept nodding off and began the snoring immediately. I got quite angry and he left the room. I felt really bad as he had been working shifts and was sleep deprived. He couldn’t keep his eyes open and when he drifted off he had me shouting at him. He felt obliged to leave the room, as he was the one snoring. This was a classic case of snoring straining people’s relationships.

Our family doctor referred us to a head and neck surgeon for a palatectomy - a surgical procedure to the roof of the mouth and uvula. The surgery worked. The snoring stopped and we were able to enjoy some restful nights, at least for a while. Now, with every breath he growls even louder than when he used to snore! It drives me mad and makes me want to scream. Marital harmony is now achieved with the use of quality earplugs and a lot of tolerance. I love my husband dearly, but if I could change one thing it would be the wretched snoring


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